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P. Craig Hobar, MD
4633 N. Central Expy, Suite 200, Dallas TX 75205 |972-566-3001

LEAP Global Missions

Top Doctor Certifications

Dr. Hobar and LEAP

RAJ-21-298x300LEAP Global Missions has been such an important and fulfilling part of my life since it began in 1991. With a little inspiration from God and the help of two nurses, I took a surgical team to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip to operate on babies born with cleft lip and/or palate. We planned for a one-time mission; little did I know then that God had other plans. This single trip, a step that I took towards Christ, was in many ways the first step toward the most incredible journey of my life.

What is LEAP Global Missions?

Today, LEAP Global Missions is a 501(c)3 non-profit global organization that has touched the lives of thousands of patients, primarily children, from 22 countries. I am both humbled and blessed to be a part of LEAP. There is nothing purer than giving our talents to those in areas of the world who do not have access to the kind of transformational surgery we offer. LEAP strives to give 90% of all donations directly to the mission. In short, we run a tight, talented ship! While we have changed the lives of thousands, none has been changed more than my own. I encourage you to learn more about this incredible organization by visiting leapmissions.org.

How has LEAP Global Missions affected me?

When we travel across the world to deliver the gift of surgical transformation, I believe it is a reflection of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For example, the mother who prays for healing for her child, with no realistic way of making it happen on her own, receives it freely through our surgical mission. If God has used LEAP this mightily for 25 years, I can only imagine what the future will bring.

Thank You!

After 31 years, Dr. Hobar has retired from surgical practice to become a fulltime husband and grandfather (and maybe play a little softball).
He is extrordinarily thankful to all of his patients who will give him lifetime memories to carry with him on this next phase of his journey.
Dr. Hobar will remain actively involved with LEAP Global Missions which he founded with his wife in 1991 and which has provided free surgical care for nearly 10,000 patients worldwide.

If you would like more information about LEAP Global Missions or make a contribution to their efforts, please click here. Dr. Hobaris referring patients to Dr. Evan Beale. Dr. Hobar has known and worked with Dr. Beale for many years and has the utmost faith and trust in him. According to Dr. Hobar: "Dr. Beale is an amazing surgeon, husband, father, colleague and leader in LEAP Global Missions. I will not only rely on him to provide the best possible care for my former patients but to also provide care for my family if we ever need it".

Matthew 22:39

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