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P. Craig Hobar, MD
4633 N. Central Expy, Suite 200, Dallas TX 75205 |972-566-3001


Top Doctor Certifications


What is it?

Dermaplaning is a way to remove excess dead skin cells and peach fuzz to leave a smooth texture to your skin. Removing the top layer of the skin allows other products to penetrate deeper and allows makeup to be applied more flawlessly. Often times, dermaplaning can be used prior to a laser treatment or a chemical peel in order to achieve a greater result.

Who is a Candidate

Dermaplaning is a way to remove excess dead skin cells and peach fuzz to leave a smooth texture to your skin. Removing the top layer of the skin allows other products to penetrate deeper and allows makeup to be applied more flawlessly. Often times, dermaplaning can be used prior to a laser treatment or a chemical peel in order to achieve a greater result.

What to expect

Your face will be cleansed and dried and a toner may be applied to make the skin extra dry. A 10 blade, similar to the one used in surgical procedures, will be placed at a 45-degree angle on your skin and small, brisk strokes will be used to remove any peach fuzz and dead skin. The procedure should be painless and there is no associated downtime. Your skin may be slightly more sensitive to sunlight and SPF30 should be applied daily. You will immediately notice an improvement in skin texture and your skin will have a nice glow to it. It is recommended to wait at least 3 weeks between treatments as this gives the skin enough time to recover and complete another full cycle of putting dead cells to the top. Many patients question if removing the peach fuzz will cause the hair to come back darker and thicker. This is not the case as these hairs are different than traditional darker facial hair, and will grow back at the same rate and texture as before.


Thank You!

After 31 years, Dr. Hobar has retired from surgical practice to become a fulltime husband and grandfather (and maybe play a little softball).
He is extrordinarily thankful to all of his patients who will give him lifetime memories to carry with him on this next phase of his journey.
Dr. Hobar will remain actively involved with LEAP Global Missions which he founded with his wife in 1991 and which has provided free surgical care for nearly 10,000 patients worldwide.

If you would like more information about LEAP Global Missions or make a contribution to their efforts, please click here. Dr. Hobaris referring patients to Dr. Evan Beale. Dr. Hobar has known and worked with Dr. Beale for many years and has the utmost faith and trust in him. According to Dr. Hobar: "Dr. Beale is an amazing surgeon, husband, father, colleague and leader in LEAP Global Missions. I will not only rely on him to provide the best possible care for my former patients but to also provide care for my family if we ever need it".

Matthew 22:39

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